Friday, September 24, 2010

What's the point?

Let me introduce myself. My name is Phil Jung. I am the owner and operator of Phil Jung Designs of Colorado Springs, Colorado. The question of the day: What is the point of a construction company blogging?  The obvious answer, for most people asked the question of "why do you blog", is because they can. I on the other hand have a slightly deeper reason for creating this blog. It's not that sitting down and writing anything and everything that rolls through my brain doesn't sound fun. It's just that I am extremely busy already and I don't need another hobby right now. So why start a blog? The answer: for you. I love teaching and investing in people. My intention is to use this blog and other cool resources to do exactly that. I thought "what is the point of gaining all of this knowledge and skill just to keep to ourselves". So from now on our blog posts will be chocked full of insights into construction related topics. WI look forward to writing and we hope you enjoy reading our blog.

You can follow the link below to my website for more information about me. I am currently creating an entire new website that is looking pretty awesome. I'll let you know when it is up.

Thanks for reading.


  1. Now if only more people would share their gifts, skills and talents.....oh, and that more people will be interested in learning!!!!!!! Good for you guys!

  2. Sweet! Can we solicit you for info on specific projects? :D

  3. Absolutely! Please post any project specific questions.

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